Waterworks Reporting

Drinking Water Quality & Compliance
Annual Notice to Consumers
Town of Kinistino

The Water Security Agency (WSA) requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the water works in submitting samples as required by a Minister’s Order or Permit to Operate a waterworks. The following is a summary of the Town of Kinistino’s water quality and sample submission compliance record for the 2023 calendar year. This report was completed on April 10, 2024. Readers should refer to WSA’s “Municipal Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Guidelines, October 2012, EPB 202” for more information on minimum sample submission requirements. Permit requirements for a specific waterworks may require more sampling than outlined in the Agency’s monitoring guidelines. If consumers need to know more about drinking water, more detailed information is available from: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/water-eau/index-eng.php . The annual notice to consumers provided by SaskWater for the Codette Lake (Melfort) plant is available at the Town Office or you may visit https://www.saskwater.com

Water Quality Standards
Bacteriological Quality

                                                                        Regular Samples         Regular Samples         # of Positive Regular
Parameter/location      Limit                           Required                     Submitted(%)              Submitted(%)
Total coliform and           0 Organisms/100mg/l       52                                52(100%)                                0%
Background Bacteria       Less than 200Organisms/100ml

The owner/operator is responsible to ensure that one hundred percent of all bacteriological samples are submitted as required. All waterworks are required to submit samples for bacteriological water quality, the frequency of monitoring depends on the population served by the waterworks.

Water Disinfection – Chlorine Residual in Distribution System for Test Results Submitted with Bacteriological Samples
                        Minimum                     Free Chlorine              Total Chlorine             # Tests with Proper     # Tests – Inadequate
Parameter        Limit (mg/L)               Residual Range           Residual Range           Data Submitted (%)            Chlorine Levels
Chlorine          0.1 mg/l free or           1.20-2.00mg/l              1.36-2.20mg/l              100%                           0
Residual          0.5 mg/l total

Chlorine residuals are collected by the operator daily for a total of 365 tests. A minimum of 0.1 milligrams per litre (mg/l) free chlorine residual OR 0.5 mg/l total chlorine residual is required at all times throughout the distribution system unless otherwise approved. Please note that for this annual report, a proper chlorine submission is defined as a bacteriological sample submission with both free and total chlorine residuals filled out and those chlorine residual levels being above the minimum regulated levels described above. A waterworks is required to submit chlorine residual test results on every bacteriological sample they submit.

General Chemical
The general chemical sample tests for a range of parameters such as hardness and alkalinity. The results of these tests show the aesthetic quality of your drinking water. Because we are on the Melfort Rural Pipeline, we are not required to submit this sample. The treatment plant in Melfort would be required to submit a sample for this.